Our Master of Science in Nursing, or MSN, graduate program is one of the most comprehensive in the United States putting our students in high demand after they graduate. Graduates serve in a variety of roles and specialties, and many remain in Indiana after graduation to serve their local communities. Our MSN program prepares the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) to provide and improve healthcare across the spectrum.

Program Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the MSN program:
- LEAD nursing and healthcare teams to improve practice within complex systems, recognizing political, institutional, social, and economic forces.
- PRACTICE at the highest level of nursing, integrating ethical, legal, professional, and regulatory standards and guidelines.
- SYNTHESIZE KNOWLEDGE from nursing and related sciences for application to selected domains of nursing practice.
- DEMONSTRATE intellectual curiosity and scholarly inquiry in the pursuit of innovative approaches to improving health outcomes.
- PROBLEM SOLVE by applying evidence at the clinical- and system-level to advance nursing practice and improve outcomes.
- USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY to deliver, measure, monitor, and improve clinical care delivery and enhance safe outcomes.
- APPLY EVIDENCE to engage in policy analysis, development, and advocacy to influence health at the individual, group, community, and population level.
- PRACTICE COLLABORATIVELY in interprofessional teams that communicate, collaborate, and consult in coordinating patient-centered care.
- FOSTER CULTURAL AWARENESS by incorporating the influences of culture, diversity, values, and globalization in the design, delivery, and evaluation of nursing and healthcare services.
- LEARN throughout their lives, committed to personal professional growth, the development of the profession, and the health of the public.